
Fifty Shades of Jonée

New York Public Library for the Performing Arts

40 Lincoln Center Plaza
New York, NY 10023

Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center

(917) 275-6975




Event Dates

Jun 24, 2019


2:30pm & 6:00pm

New York Public Library for the Performing Arts

Jacqueline Jonée returns with a sparkling brand-new presentation for two farewell Gay Pride performances in “Fifty Shades of Jonée” with the JouJou Jacquettes Philharmonic Orchestra. Ms. Jonée has delighted audiences on this stage for over a decade and excited fans around the world for over four decades. Ms. Jonée dazzles with heartfelt songs, comic wit and dexterity on the ivories as “queen of the quodlibet.” Don’t miss her final colorful performances, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, and the many shades of Jacqueline Jonée as she closes the lid on the Steinway and “hangs up her heels.” Free admission to this program is on a first come, first served basis. Admission lines form one hour prior to each program. General admission seating. Call (212) 642-0142 for more detailed information. All programs are subject to last minute change or cancellation.