District News

A Terrific 26th Annual Meeting

May 24, 2023
A Terrific 26th Annual Meeting

It was great to be together again! On Tuesday, May 16, we held our 26th Annual Meeting – our first in person since the pandemic. It was wonderful to connect with our membership, neighbors, and partners.

Commissioner Jessica Tisch of the NYC Department of Sanitation was our keynote speaker and talked about a number of sanitation issues, including litter and trash collection, rats, vendors, and of course, Citibins and the Clean Curbs program. The audience was really engaged and asked lots of questions. We share the same sentiment that cleanliness is key to the success of NYC, and we look forward to continuing our great partnership with DSNY in tackling these issues.

We also elected Directors and Alternates to our Board, presented our FY 2024 budget and financial statements as well as our FY2023 Annual Report, and gave two awards for dedicated service to the BID, one to Tom Tychi, one of our Green Keepers from Goddard Riverside, for working with us for 20 years and the other to Ira Coleman from our Clean Team, who has been working with us for over 15 years.

Lincoln Center was a gracious host, letting us use the David Rubenstein Atrium. Leah Johnson, the Executive Vice President and Chief Communications Officer of Lincoln Center, welcomed us. New York City Councilmember Gale Brewer joined us to say a few words, joined by Tamia Santana, Ballet Hispanico's Chief Engagement and Inclusion Officer, regarding bringing dance instructors to the MLK High Schools, which you can read more about in our eblast. We provided croissants and coffee from the newly opened Independent Cafe in the Atrium.

Thank you to everyone who attended, including board members, property owners, businesses, residents, and friends – it was a terrific turnout. We look forward to continuing to serve the neighborhood! For those who would like to see photos from the meeting, click here to view our Flickr album. 

Photo Credit: Sean Sime