Community Alerts

Community Alerts 5.11.22

May 11, 2022
Community Alerts 5.11.22

Celebrate Japan Day on The Upper West Side

The Japan Parade will take place on Saturday, May 14 beginning at 1:00pm. The parade will start on Central Park West and 81st Street and head south ending at 68th Street on Central Park West. There will also be a Japan Day street fair on 69th Street between Columbus Avenue and Central Park West until 4:30pm.

Make New York City Greener with NYC Parks

Partnerships for Parks (PfP) and NYC Parks Stewardship will present a webinar on Wednesday, May 18 from 6:00pm - 7:00pm that showcases the different stewardship and volunteering opportunities within NYC Parks and PfP. Learn more about leading projects in parks, natural areas, and on street trees, and pitching in to paint, clean, rake, and care for our city’s park system. Click here to register.

Columbus Avenue Open Streets

Starting this Sunday, May 15, the Columbus Avenue BID is bringing back Columbus Avenue Open Streets every Sunday from 11:00am - 7:00pm through October 30. This open streets experience will happen weekly on Columbus Avenue between 68th and 77th Streets. Click here for details about participating businesses, events, and more.

COVID-19 Alert Levels Tracking

The COVID-19 Alert Levels reflect COVID-19 transmission and health care capacity in the city. You can determine what precautions you need to take and how to best protect yourself and others based on each level. Click here to check in with current alert levels and guidance.

Situational Awareness Tips from NYPD Shield

The NYPD has put together a situational awareness bulletin on personal safety. The document contains suggestions on how to plan for potential danger, how to reduce your chances of being a target, how to look for indicators of aggression, and more. Click here to download the NYPD Shield's Situational Awareness Bulletin: Personal Safety. There are also general crime prevention tips on the NYPD’s site, which you can view here