District News

Governor’s Guidance for Phases Two and Three

Jun 17, 2020
Governor’s Guidance for Phases Two and Three

Great news! The Governor announced today that the City is "on track" to begin reopening Phase Two on Monday, June 22.  The beginning of Phase Two is still subject to change as it will depend on the number of reported cases of COVID-19.

Prior to reopening, businesses should read and affirm the guidelines - provided by industry (see links below) - on the Governor’s New York Forward website as well as develop a required Safety Plan.

Businesses allowed to open under Phase Two include:

Phase Two will mark the beginning of outdoor dining, which will help our restaurants reopen while ensuring that customers can patronize their business while practicing social distancing in an open air environment. The Hospitality Alliance has compiled a helpful guide for restaurants detailing the interim guidance for outdoor dining. We are still awaiting official guidelines from the City on the requirements and approval process for the expanded outdoor dining program. For more information, view the Mayor’s press release on the expanded outdoor dining program.

Phase Two will also include the reopening of in-store retail. For guidance on physical distancing as well as hygiene and cleaning protocols, please refer to the State’s Interim Guidance for Essential and Phase Two Retail.

Further on the horizon, the Governor recently released more detailed guidance for Phase Three of the reopening, which includes guidance for food service establishments.

Given the everchanging nature of the pandemic and the recovery, we advise that you refer to the New York Forward website for exact details on reopening and industry-specific guidance.

Original post: 6.10.20; Updated 6.17.20