Community Alerts

Community Alert: Congestion Pricing Meetings

Mar 14, 2019
Community Alert: Congestion Pricing Meetings
As congestion pricing moves to the fore as a solution to fix traffic issues and crowded streets, we've heard from many of you seeking details on what this program would entail. With a proposed boundary at 60th Street, congestion pricing has the potential to impact traffic flow through Lincoln Square in ways that could affect parking demand, business operations, cultural and educational institutions, street and sidewalk infrastructure, and local residents. The following events are great opportunities to learn more about congestion pricing and to share any questions or concerns you may have about it:
New York City Council Members Helen Rosenthal and Mark Levine will be hosting a Town Hall on congestion pricing that will be co-sponsored by Assembly Member Richard Gottfried, Assembly Member Danny O'Donnell, Senator Brad Hoylman, and Senator Robert Jackson. The event will be held on Tuesday, March 19, from 6:00pm - 9:00pm at John Jay College, New Building-Room L63, Atrium, located at 524 West 59th Street. You can RSVP at or (212) 873-0282, x206. View an online flyer for the event here.
Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer has scheduled a Public Hearing on congestion pricing for Thursday, March 21, at 6:00pm at the Cooper Union, located at Cooper Square. Testimony is limited to two minutes, though longer written testimony may be submitted. To RSVP please contact Paul Goebel at (212) 669-8151 or an online flyer for the event here.
With these impending and potentially monumental changes ahead, our organization plans to attend these meetings to learn more information and listen to public concerns. We suggest that anyone with questions or concerns also attend one or both meetings.
Photo: View of Columbus Circle traffic jam in 1908; Detroit Public Library