District News

Congestion Pricing Public Meetings

Sep 14, 2021
traffic in midtown manhattan

Following the passage of MTA Reform and Traffic Mobility act in April of 2019, the MTA is moving forward with the Central Business District Tolling Program (CBDTP), commonly known as congestion pricing. The program to toll vehicle traffic in Manhattan on and south of 60th Street will reduce traffic congestion and provide much needed funds for the MTA’s subway, bus, and commuter rail systems. The Environmental Assessment for the project recently launched and will commence the public outreach phase of the project.

Starting Thursday, September 23, the MTA will host a series of public meetings to provide information and solicit public comments on CBDTP. Each of the 10 meetings will focus on a different geographic area impacted by the program, though anyone may attend any meeting that works for them. Registration is required for those who wish to speak.

For those in and around Lincoln Square, two of these meetings will be particularly relevant. On Thursday, September 23 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm, the MTA will be hosting a meeting focused on the Manhattan central business district, consisting of 60th Street and below. On Wednesday, October 6 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm, the MTA will be hosting a meeting focused on Manhattan north of 60th Street. Visit the Public Meetings page on the MTA’s website to register to speak or to request accommodations.

For more information on congestion pricing, visit the MTA’s CBDTP project page.

Photo credit: deberarr/Getty Images