Community Alerts

Construction Look Ahead for 50 West 66th Street Project 8.19.19

Aug 19, 2019
a rendering of the completed 50 West 66th Street site from an aerial view

Lendlease's project team for the 50 West 66th Street Construction Project has released updated details for "a look ahead" of construction activities that will occur over two weeks at the 50 West 66th Street site (aka 36 West 66th Street).

Week of August 19th, 2019

  • Material and equipment deliveries
  • Formwork, rebar and concrete operations
  • Sidewalk utility work on 65th street
  • Sidewalk bridge work on 66th street

Week of August 26th, 2019

  • Material and equipment deliveries
  • Formwork, rebar and concrete operations
  • Sidewalk utility work on 65th street

For any questions about the project, Lendlease has an infoline that the public can contact: or (212) 448-3995. 

 Photo credit: Binyan Studios