Community Alerts

DOT Presentation on 8th Ave/Amsterdam Bike Lanes

Jun 20, 2018
 DOT Presentation on 8th Ave/Amsterdam Bike Lanes
The Department of Transportation (DOT) is preparing to present two project proposals to Community Board 4 and Community Board 7 over the next month. The first presentation will be given to Community Board 4's Transportation Planning Committee tonight, Wednesday, June 20, at 6:30pm at Hotel Trades Council, 305 West 44th Street. This meeting is open to the public. 
DOT has stated that the first project seeks to install a protected bike lane on the west side of 8th Avenue from 56th Street (where it currently ends) to Columbus Circle, and to create a buffered bike lane around the inside of the circle, with clear bike routes to exit the circle. The project would not change the number of vehicle lanes or signal timing.
The second project focuses on 10th and Amsterdam Avenues from West 52nd to West 72nd Streets. DOT proposes to add a painted protected bicycle lane along the west curb along with painted pedestrian islands to shorten crossing distances and calm turns to and from side streets. To accommodate these changes, DOT proposes to remove one full-time travel lane and modify the curb regulations on the west side of the street to create full-time parking/loading lanes.
These projects will also be presented to Community Board 7's Transportation Committee on Tuesday, July 10 at 7:00pm at 250 West 87th Street. Visit Community Board 7's website for more information as this date approaches.