District News

Fill out the 2020 Census

Mar 26, 2020
Fill out the 2020 Census

Looking for something impactful to do while you’re stuck at home? Fill out the 2020 Census!

The Census affects how more than $675 billion of federal funds for states and local communities are distributed each year. By filling out the Census, you will help ensure that our schools, roads, and other public services receive their fair share of that funding. Additionally, your responses will be used to determine the number of seats that New York has in Congress. By taking just 10 minutes to fill out the Census, you will impact the distribution of funding and political representation for the next decade!

Some households have already started to receive Census information in the mail that contains a unique identification code. Once you receive your Census ID in the mail, you can go to my2020census.gov to fill out your Census. If you haven’t received a Census ID, check your mail or contact the U.S. Census Bureau at 1-844-330-2020. Once you start, you should plan to finish the questionnaire within 15 minutes or your session will time out. If you leave the web page or if your session times out, your responses will not be saved and you will need to start over. Once you have submitted your Census, you cannot change your answers. Your responses are safe, secure, and confidential.

As of March 26, almost 20% of people in New York City have already completed their Census forms. If you haven’t already made sure you and your household members have been counted, look for your Census ID in the mail, fill it out now, and encourage others to do the same!

Photo credit: Shutterstock