Community Alerts

Government Alerts 11.17.20

Nov 17, 2020
Government Alerts 11.17.20

Sign Up for Open Storefronts

As the holiday shopping season approaches, the following weeks are a great time for businesses to sign up and self-certify for the Open Storefronts program. Click here for more information. And, sign up here.

New York Blood Center Looking for Locations

Assembly Member Dick Gottfried has asked that we canvas our district for spaces that can host community blood drives in partnership with the New York Blood Center. NYBC is looking for sites with 1,000 square feet or larger (to adhere to all CDC and FDA guidelines). If you are interesting in hosting community blood drives, please reach out to David Blatt, Account Manager Recruitment for the New York Blood Center, at (646) 627-1882 or

NYC Care

While all New Yorkers have been affected by COVID-19, the impact has been greater on New Yorkers who are not eligible for or who cannot afford health insurance. NYC Care is a health care access program that guarantees health care services at little or no cost to New Yorkers who do not qualify for or cannot afford health insurance. Visit for more information