Community Alerts

Government Alerts 5.20.20

May 20, 2020
Government Alerts 5.20.20

NYC Council Passes Bill Suspending Personal Liability Provisions in Commercial Leases

The New York City Council has passed a bill temporarily prohibiting enforcement of personal liability provisions in commercial leases involving certain COVID-19 affected tenants. Click here to read an alert from Meister Seelig & Fein LLP about the bill.

NY Forward Business Re-opening Lookup Tool

The Governor's Office has updated its NY Forward website to allow businesses to look up their eligibility to re-open and what standards they have to comply with in order to be open. Click here for the NY Forward Business Re-opening Lookup Tool.

Virtual Town Hall - May 26, 2020

New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer, Congressmember Jerry Nadler, State Senator Brian A. Benjamin, and Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal are holding a Virtual Town Hall on Tuesday, May 26 at 7:00pm. At this meeting, you can learn about how these officials are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as what resources are available. The meeting will be held via Zoom/Facebook Live. Click here to register for the meeting link.  

NYC: Alternate Side Parking Has Resumed

After ongoing suspension due to COVID-19, New York City has resumed alternate side parking rules for one week from Monday, May 18 to Sunday, May 24 according to the Mayor's Office. However, the rules will be suspended on May 21 for Solemnity of the Ascension and May 24 for Idul-al-Fitr. After this, the parking rules will again be suspended for the following two weeks from Monday, May 25 through Sunday, June 7 during which the NYC Department of Sanitation will reassess cleanliness. Click here for a COVID-19 Alternate Side Parking and Street Cleaning brief from 311

Get Your Absentee Ballot

To prevent the community spread of COVID-19, all voters with a primary election on June 23, 2020 will be eligible to vote in the election by absentee ballot. If you are a registered voter, the Board of Elections will mail you an application to request your ballot, or you can request one online today at 

Notify NYC: Free Face Coverings

New Yorkers can get a free face covering at NYC Parks.To find the closest distribution location, date, and time, visit