Community Alerts

Government Alerts 8.18.20

Aug 18, 2020
red triangle with exclamation point

Commercial Waste & Private Carting Requirements for Businesses

Commercial businesses in New York City are required to hire a private carter to collect their commercial waste. According to DSNY, commercial waste should be set out for collection within two hours of the scheduled pick-up or within one hour of closing your business for the night. Businesses are required to post and maintain a decal with their carter’s name, license, contact information, and other relevant information. For more information on you requirement, see please see DSNY’s website. To report service complaints or unlawful actions by private carters, visit the Business Integrity Commission’s website.

SCA Real Estate Search for Educational and Childcare Space 

School Construction Authority is seeking classroom/instructional, early childhood and childcare/after-school use space. Sites must meet the following requirements: no higher than 4 stories, contain rooms no less than 650 SF in size, dedicated entrances, dedicated bathrooms, are code compliant and can house programs serving children from 3 years old to approximately 14 years. Please submit to any sites that meet these minimum requirements. 

"MEND NYC" Program for Hospitality Industry Mediation 

The Mayor just announced the launch of MEND NYC, a program to provide mediation to New Yorkers and hospitality businesses across the city who are in disputes over quality-of-life issues. This is a free, innovative alternative that can bring lasting solutions to longstanding local issues that have been laid bare by the COVID-19 crisis, which has caused an increase in complaints to 311. Read the press release here, and please consider tapping into this new resource whenever it can be helpful with resolving any local disputes your hospitality businesses might be facing.