Community Alerts

Government Alerts 8.25.20

Aug 25, 2020
red triangle with exclamation point

New Commercial Organic Rules

New Commercial Organics Rules went into effect Friday, July 31, 2020 and additional businesses will be required to separate their organic waste, including: retail food stores, food services establishments, food prep locations, catering establishments, and temporary public events. For more details on these requirements and establishments already required to comply, please visit

NYC Orders Hotels to Enforce Quarantine Forms

Under an executive order signed by Mayor de Blasio, New York City hotels and short-term rentals will have to collect quarantine registration forms from travelers from high-risk states before giving them access to their rooms. Click here to learn more.

Tribute in Light for September 11

The 9/11 Memorial and Museum will be moving forward with its Annual Tribute in Light. In conjunction with the annual Tribute in Light installation, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum is partnering with NYC & Company and buildings throughout the city to light up their facades and spires in light blue from dusk to dawn on Friday, September 11 in commemoration of the 19th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Buildings are invited to light up their facades blue to honor those lost on 9/11. For questions, contact

DEP Water Conservation and Reuse Grant Program Round 2

The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is rolling out Round 2 of their Water Conservation and Reuse Grant Pilot Program. The grant program aims to conserve the City’s drinking water supply, with a corresponding reduction of flows into the sewer system, by reimbursing commercial, industrial, and multi-family residential property owners who invest in water efficiency projects, including low-flow fixtures, as well as innovative water saving technologies such as on-site water reuse systems. Applications are open until September 15, 2020. Learn more and apply here.

Commercial Eviction Ban Extended to September 20

Governor Cuomo has signed an executive order extending the state's moratorium on COVID-related commercial evictions and foreclosures an additional month, until Sunday, September 20. Click here for more information.