Community Alerts

Hearing on BID Assessment Increases

Oct 31, 2018
Hearing on BID Assessment Increases
At 10:00am on Wednesday, November 14, a public hearing will be held at City Hall in Manhattan in the City Council Committee Room, 2nd Floor. This hearing is to consider a local law which authorizes an increase in the annual assessment of the Lincoln Square Business Improvement District (BID) and other Business Improvement Districts. 
The primary purpose of this assessment increase is to keep pace with rising operating costs primarily due to increases in the mandated minimum wage, which are affecting our core programs. When we last went for an increase from the City Council the minimum wage was $8 an hour. By the end of 2018, the new required minimum wage of $15 amounts to an 87% increase. This year alone, wages will increase by 15%. Approximately 60% of our assessment revenue goes to keeping Lincoln Square clean and safe. Our Board of Directors believes that this assessment increase is essential to attracting and retaining qualified workers, remaining competitive in the market, and enabling us to maintain our core programs and outstanding services that our property owners and businesses have come to expect - all of which insure that we have a vibrant, clean and safe district.
Click here to read the entire notice we sent to property owners.