District News

New Street Furniture Around the District

Aug 9, 2017
New Street Furniture Around the District

In our continued efforts to enhance the area's streetscape, last week the Lincoln Square BID installed new "1964 World's Fair" benches in the Broadway Mall crossing at 64th Street. These benches are made of Ipe wood, also known as Brazillian Walnut, and are sturdy and durable. And, you can rest (on them) assured that our Clean Team will help keep them in clean and pristine condition. Plus, the benches that used to be at this location are now just a block up across from Brooks Brothers, which means there are even more places to sit around the district. 

We also just put up some new red umbrellas at the new extension of Dante Park. This seating area is yet another great place to stop and enjoy a quiet moment in our bustling Lincoln Square neighborhood. 

New umbrellas at Dante Park's extended tip. We hope you'll take a seat and take in our neighborhood's views. Enjoy the weather, the greenery, and Lincoln Square in these last few weeks of summer.