Community Alerts

Plastic Bag Ban Enforcement Has Begun

Oct 20, 2020
plastic bag with the words THANK YOU printed on it in a repeating pattern

According to the latest information we have received and 311 (click here), enforcement for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (NYSDEC) plastic bag ban began October 19, 2020. New York State’s law banning plastic carryout bags took effect on March 1, 2020.

In New York City, businesses are required to collect a non-taxable 5-cent fee from customers on paper carryout bags, with some exceptions. Customers are encouraged to bring their own reusable bags to stores for shopping. Stores may also choose not to switch to paper and may only have reusable bags for purchase. Click here for more information about the plastic bag ban from NYSDEC.

Photo credit: WNBF News