Community Alerts

Prepare for Heat Emergencies

Aug 7, 2019
a red sun glares over some city buildings in the evening
It has been a very hot summer, and with August being one of the hottest months in New York, it is important to be aware of how you can stay safe amidst the rising temperatures.
There are many different ways you can help yourself and your community prepare for extreme heat emergencies. Pay attention to weather reports on the news, or check  National Weather Service reports. The heat index is a measure of how hot it feels based on temperature and humidity. A heat index above 95 degrees F is especially dangerous for older adults and other vulnerable individuals.
The best way to prevent heat illness is to stay in an air-conditioned place. If you or someone you know cannot stay cool at home, visit a cool place, such as a library, a friend's home with air conditioning or a city cooling center. Cooling centers are open across the city during serious heat waves. You can find a cooling center online or by calling 311.
It is also important to identify which of your neighbors are at highest risk for heat-related illness, such as those who do not have AC, have chronic medical conditions, or are 65 years or older. For those who are at highest risk during extreme heat, identify a buddy system who can check on them in emergencies. You can also help those with life-sustaining medical equipment register with their electricity provider.
Download Ready NYC App to create emergency plans and store information, such as emergency contacts, meeting places, health information, and supply lists to help users gather the right items to use in an emergency. The app also includes tips and information on what to do during emergencies and an alert feed from Notify NYC - New York City's official source for information about emergency events and important city services. Click here to download the app for Apple IOS, and click here to download for Android.
Check out the NYC Department of Emergency Management's Community Emergency Planning in NYC Toolkit for further information on what to do in case of an emergency.
Stay safe and stay cool!
Photo credit: NYC DEM