Business Spotlight

Read it and Eat!

Mar 2, 2020
Read it and Eat!

Sink your teeth into a one-of-a-kind short story here in Lincoln Square--one you can’t find in a library or bookstore. New York based cafe and bakery, Breads Bakery, is offering a special item packed with flavor and literary devices. Etgar Keret, the acclaimed Israeli author, has written a short story exclusively for the bakery for a special item on the menu at the Lincoln Square and Union Square locations. The Keret Cake, a lemony crumble cake with dried raspberries, comes wrapped in a short story, “Cake Break”, which is actually about a family rather than a baked good, but nonetheless as good as its bread companion. The only way to read the story is to purchase the special cake. Pick one up today right here in Lincoln Square at Breads Bakery’s location, 1890 Broadway (at 63rd Street). Our staff has tried it and it’s great!