Community Alerts

SBS Daily Webinars for COVID-19 Financial Support

May 6, 2020
SBS Daily Webinars for COVID-19 Financial Support
Now that Federal funds are open again, the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) is providing daily webinars to small business owners, which review available financial support and other resources. These webinars will serve as a prerequisite for accessing more in-depth technical assistance. If a business owner would like help applying after learning about SBA programs in the webinar, they will receive a link after the webinar to sign up for help. Check out SBS' Eventbrite page for all the webinar times - look for "Assistance Overview for NYC Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19." 
Businesses should register on Eventbrite and will receive log-in information. Note, this is the same webinar offered multiple times. No need to attend more than one!
Photo credit: NYC SBS