District News

The Beaumont New Play Commission Program at LCT

Sep 14, 2020
headshots of Marco Ramirez, Lynn Nottage, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins

Lincoln Center Theater (LCT) has announced the creation of a new artistic initiative – The Beaumont New Play Commission Program.

Although LCT has had a long-standing play commission program for all its stages, The Beaumont New Play Commission Program will engage today’s leading playwrights to create works specifically for the Vivian Beaumont Theater - LCT’s Broadway, Tony Award-eligible house. The program will give writers the opportunity to create new work for a large canvas, taking advantage of the size and breadth of the Vivian Beaumont stage (the third largest in New York after the Metropolitan Opera and Radio City Music Hall), as well as providing the production values and resources afforded to a Beaumont production.

The Beaumont New Play Commission Program’s first commissioned playwrights are Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, Lynn Nottage and Marco Ramirez. Additional writers will be announced.

Click here to learn more.

Photo credit: The Broadway Blog