Community Alerts

Water Main Break Update 2.5.20

Feb 5, 2020
pipes wait to be installed on 62nd Street near TD Bank
Dear Lincoln Square BID Members & Friends: 
It has now been about three and a half weeks since the water main break occurred on Monday, January 13 in Lincoln Square. Although much progress has been made, with contractors at most locations working around the clock, we expect that work will be continuing for quite some time. We continue to assign our Public Safety Officers to critical locations including 62nd Street to provide information and directions to the public. Most of our businesses, except for TD Ameritrade and New York Sports Club, are now open. The following are the most recent updates on the ongoing repair work in the neighborhood.
West 62nd Street between Columbus Avenue and Broadway remains closed to vehicular traffic while the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Con Ed continue to work. We are not sure when this work will be completed. The sidewalk in front of TD Bank's entrance is being temporarily repaired by a DEP contractor and should be complete within the next few days.
The Lincoln Square BID office at 1881 Broadway, Suite 2R is inaccessible and closed until further notice. Unfortunately, although our office itself was not affected, we have not received a timeline from the AAA as to when repairs to the building will be completed. Fortunately, thanks to Ogden CAP Properties, we are able to work remotely. We can best be reached at the following emails:
Monica Blum, President:
Ralph Memoli, Executive Vice President:
Phil Gordon, Director of Operations:
Ian Hartz, Senior Project Manager:
Julie Kronick, Marketing & Special Projects Manager:
Christie Klima, Program Assistant:
Elizabeth Grant, Outreach & Visitor Services Coordinator:
To reach our general office, please email or call us at (212) 581-3774. If you leave a message on our voicemail, we will receive it via email and will respond as soon as we can.
Also, attention property managers: you may want to look into investing in emergency evacuation chairs, such as the chair in this link, to have in your buildings for future emergencies that may occur. The chair allows building staff members to evacuate residents by carrying them down stairs safely and securely instead of calling 911 and waiting for an EMS professional to arrive.
We will continue to share neighborhood updates as work progresses.
Monica Blum, President
Lincoln Square Business Improvement District