District News

Winter's Eve Survey Results 2019

Dec 18, 2019
someone takes an iphone video of the Lincoln Square holiday tree during winters eve
Who welcomed the holiday season with us? During Winter's Eve, some of our volunteers help us collect survey answers from event-goers. These responses both clue us in on what makes Winter's Eve great and helps us make positive changes in the future! So what did responses tell us for the 20th annual event?
This year's survey of attendees showed that roughly half of attendees have joined us for Winter's Eve before, while the rest visited for the first time. Respondents said that the main attractions that drew them to Winter's Eve were the food tastings, the tree lighting, and the musical performances. 
We received some really encouraging feedback too! One respondent said that they were, "sure happy to be here... Get to taste the local food." Another said that Winter's Eve was, "wonderful and magical... Everything is great." 
We're so happy to welcome the holiday season with locals and visitors each year during Winter's Eve. If you missed the tree lighting, our holiday tree in Dante Park will be on display through mid-January as will our holiday lighting program, lighting up two trees per Broadway Mall between 60th and 70th Streets. And, to relive the excitement of Winter's Eve, click here to view photos from the event